Happy Birthday Daphne! Yes, I know it's a little late, but better late than never. We surprised Daphne by taking her to Disneyland and the beach for her birthday. We wanted to wait until we were getting ready to pass by Disneyland, but LA traffic! We were stuck for a while, and I couldn't wait to tell her.
We gave her a Princess dress for her to wear around the park. I'm surprised she kept it on as long as she did. It was 90+ out. I painted her nails, put on make-up (Arbonne of course). She even let me do "Princess hair". Curls, glitter and everything. It was a lot of fun. Next time, we will try and avoid the heat.

Evan...didn't think so much of Mickey. At first, he was all excited, pointing and trying to talk to Mickey. Then, it was picture time. This is what happened.
Oh, Disneyland...where dreams come true!