Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Wow! I can't believe that it's already Christmas! We had a great Christmas. Daphne was so excited that Santa came to visit. Santa even left her a little letter! She thought that was "cool". (It's so funny some of the things that she has started saying.)She even waited until after 8 am. I think it was because it was so dark in the house. (It was overcast and rainy! Yeah!!! We don't get many of these days to enjoy!)Evan enjoyed his first Christmas. He wanted to tear the wrapping paper of the present that Daphne was opening. I think he enjoyed the wrapping paper the most!

We hope you enjoyed your Christmas!
Merry Christmas

The Tryk's


Anonymous said...

i wish you guys were closer. it's be fun to see daph and evan so much more often than once or twice a year. =/ did you find a plane ticket for january yet, by any chance? i haven't had much luck. everything is just insanely expensive. bah. we'll see. hopefully!

aliciamae100 said...

Pretty tree! Daphne slept in but it looks like Evan's still sleepy. ;)