Tuesday, March 3, 2009

It's amazing how quickly time goes by. Evan is now 10 months, crawling and trying to walk. Daphne is almost 6, going on 16! Where does the time go?

We have been on a house hunt recently. We put in an offer, but have learned...a short-sale is anything but. So, we are continuing to look. We are hoping to stay in our current ward. So, that kinda narrows down the field a little bit.

For those of you that have kids going to the elementary school in the neighborhood, you might get a good laugh. Daphne was told to get in bed the other night. She kept getting out, wanting to watch what Jeff and I were watching. I finally was frustrated (this was the 5th time she was out of bed) I had to say rather loudly,"if you get out of bed again...(you get the picture). She yelled at me from her room "you are not being a pillar of character, and I'm telling my teacher about it." Oh, the joys of being a parent. Needless to say, Jeff and I got a great laugh out of it all.


Anonymous said...

holy crud--that's HILARIOUS! oh daph...

Spencer and Audrey said...

Pillar of character, huh? That is so stinking funny. I can totally see my three year old saying the same type of thing... little miss attitude! Good luck on the house hunting.

Carrie said...

NICE!! Her and Emeline really are two peas in a pod! Good luck with the house hunting!

aliciamae100 said...

good luck finding a house! :)