Evan had his 6 month check-up on November 4. He weighed 17lbs 10.5 oz! He is now 27.5 inches long. He is going to be a big boy. He is eating tons, so I figure he should weigh as much as Daphne in a year or two.
Daphne and Evan both got shots that day tood. Daphne just got her flu shot. She got to go first, and the nurse was awesome! She did it so quick, before Daphne could get away! When Daphne started to cry, Evan got a little upset too. It's so sweet to see how much he watches her. If she's upset, he is upset. Evan wasn't too happy after his 6 shots. He was pretty fussy for several days.
We are getting all set for the kids and I to go visit KS this weekend. Jeff has to work, so it's just the 3 of us. We haven't told Miss Daph yet. We have to leave pretty early on Saturday to catch our flight, so we are going to tell her once we get to the airport. I hope I can get a good picture of her reaction when we tell her we are going to visit everyone.
4 years ago
hope you're having a fun trip!!
We need pics! I want to see those kids. I can't imagine how big Daphne is, I remember her turning 2 when we lived in KS by you guys! Miss y'all, glad things are going well for you!
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